Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Loving imperfection. I can do it.

I like the notion of an imperfect creator/god. Certainly, that’s better than a perfect one. The Italian writer Franco Ferrucci talks of a god that’s a brother and a friend.  An equal. A god that makes mistakes. Just like the rest of us. I have no problem buying into that.  But that’s not the god of most religions. God is supreme. All-knowing. Perfect. Oh, how much better it would be to have an imperfect god. We’d be able to better understand each other. Ferrucci portrays god as having bouts of insanity. And even having made attempts at suicide. God is frustrated because he can’t die.  Imagine that.  If we humans wanted to die, but couldn’t. Being saddled with eternal life.  Actually, I’d like to give it a try. Even if god wants to die.  Let me stick around. I’ll find the mental wherewithal  to make a go of it.  Might mean learning to love imperfection. I can do it. –Jim Broede